Please pardon the ghetto presentation. the main blog post is in the image attached, and the pictures (from top to bottom) are of my friends Nicole, the Türk-cell cartoon and McKinley (left to right) on arrival from an overnight to Frankfurt from NY and then a 2 hour flight to Istanbul. This is literally the first thing you see when you come out of customs. Next is the view from my balcony in Selimpasa just after sunrise, right before our last breakfast at survival camp. Third- the view from my balcony, this time right into the water of the Sea of Marmara, the clearest water I've seen! Fourth is Selimpasa right after sunrise, not much there!
Not mentioned above is the survival camp at Selimpaşa, which was lots of fun, even when it wasn't compared to the NY orientation. Despite being bone-tired, everyone had a blast. I got really close to the American kids and made some foreign friends.
More pictures and adventures later, güle güle
p.s. I can hear the muezzin (call to prayer) from my apartment. I
heard all the calls to prayer the day before yesterday and the day before that. There's a mosque right next to my house, I can see a giant minaret poking out over the roofs.
p.p. forgot to mention the ferry I took with Göktuğ across the Bosphorus, I fell asleep in some part because the water puts em to sleep, but managed to see Santa Sofya and Sultan Ahmet mosques right before sunset
Gabe! I love reading your writing; you are very talented at it. Perhaps a future for you...? Whatever. More importantly, I'm so glad you're doing well and having fun soaking in all the new and amazing experiences. More pictures! And, just to be "Grandma" for a moment, make sure you watch that traffic -- I want you home (soon) in one piece! I had a similar experience in London but there, thankfully, they have signs painted on the streets to warn the uninitiated about which direction to look, which, in turn, helps to remind you that their crazy traffic is a big deal there. Okay, enough "Grandma-ing". Take care and have fun and know you are both loved and dearly missed here in the USA (your folks are miserable without you). XOXO, Auntie Tracy
Thank you, auntie! I'm taking a Bosphorus tour tomorrow, so there will be more Mamma Mia!-like pictures. I'm already getting used to the traffic, I haven't been nearly hit for three days now. School is so hard, I go to one of the best public schools and I have the most ridiculous schedule. The only class I've understood is Math (or Matematik over here, but the teacher went at lightning speed and explained it all in Turkish, luckily I'd already learned the topic last year.) Make my parents feel not miserable for me! Lots of love, Gabe
Hey Gabi. Thanks for still keeping up-to-date. Miss ya to death buddy. Btw..love..love..all the blogs. I really feel like I'm in Turkey with you pal. Well hope to hear more. :D
Hi Gabe:
I going to read your posts at the first Venice Chapter meeting this Wednesday! Have you connected with any of the Turkish kids you met in LA? Elizabeth
sitting at work and thinking about what you must be doing. So what are you doing? Have a most excellent Ramadan, dude.
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